Wheels for Women Patient Stories


Maria’s last mammogram was in 2014 when her doctor told her she had cysts. Affording annual mammograms was too much for her without health insurance, so she waited five years. 

In 2019 she felt her cysts changing and was worried. Maria was so concerned that she reached out to Brem’s partner, Nueva Vida, where she was offered a cost-free ride through Wheels for Women. It was only because of Wheels for Women that Maria got her mammogram. Her mammogram showed abnormalities. She needed a follow up ultrasound and biopsy, and again used Wheels for Women to get to and from those appointments. Maria could never have gotten the breast care she needed without Wheels for Women.


She faced many barriers to breast care. She was laid off from her job, doesn’t speak English, and was worried about taking public transportation due to COVID-19. Through Brem’s B-Fund and Wheels for Women, Maya was able to overcome these barriers and receive transportation and her diagnostic mammogram.

“I was very worried to go out but the fact that I had a private vehicle to go to my appointment, made me feel it was OK to go. If I didn’t have help, I don’t think I could have had this done. I feel relieved and happy to know that I am OK.”


Imelda lives in a homeless shelter and found a lump in her breast. She knew she had a problem that needed care but was not sure where to go. Without a phone and unable to arrange transportation to a diagnostic appointment for herself, Imelda was connected to our partners at Breast Care for Washington where she was able to get transportation via the Brem Foundation sponsored Lyft program, Wheels for Women. 

Thanks to Wheels for Women and the B-Fund (providing diagnostic test funding for women in need), Imelda was able to have the biopsy she needed and is receiving the treatment for the cancer her diagnostic imaging revealed.